New York’s Nicest Award 2023

samaritans presents

NYC Council Chair of Mental Health, Disabilities + Addiction
District 2

Chair Linda Lee

NYC Council Chair of Mental Health, Disabilities + Addiction, Linda Lee, represents District 23 in Eastern Queens not far from where she grew up.

As a social worker herself, Chair Lee has been a staunch supporter of suicide prevention in NYC and a leading advocate of the many community-based organizations working in mental health like Samaritans.

Council Member Linda Lee represents District 23 in Eastern Queens. She is the first Korean-American ever elected to the New York City Council and serves as Chair of the Mental Health Committee. Under her leadership the city is developing a new Roadmap for Mental Health.

Prior to taking office, Linda was the President/CEO of Korean Community Services (KCS) of Metropolitan New York, Inc., New York’s first community-based social service organization focused on the Korean community.

what will you do to stop suicide?